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Order status

I haven’t received tracking confirmation

We usually get your order shipped in 2-3 business days, but during periods of high demand, there may be slight delays. Ensure that your order is not a pre-order item. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as yo

I have not received my order confirmation, but I have been charged.

If you checked your spam mail and waited 24 hours and still did not receive the confirmation e-mail, contact us and we’ll help you out.

I want to cancel my order

Customer support can cancel your orders before they get shipped. In case the package is already shipped, you will have to return it before we can process a refund or exchange. If you want to cancel your order, contact us and let us know that you woul

I want to edit my order

Orders can’t be edited. You can contact us and ask us to cancel your order for you. You will get refunded and be able to make an adjusted purchase again.

Where is my order?

If you haven’t received your order confirmation yet, see the article “I haven’t received order confirmation.”If you received your order confirmation you can track your order with a tracking number via the postal tracking system. For more information